Sunday, May 7, 2017


Hale called it Americanitis: how American society provides adequate fuel for stigmas of minorities, low self-esteem, deification of illusions and suppression of progressive change.

So I go back, back before there were stigmas, before I realized how messed up life is, but rather how unique, before the hurt, the fear, the loss.  I go to when I dreamed of flying, I go to running in the fields with the dogs, running against a stone wind and jumping so that I might feel a lift.  I go walking in the woods, damp and green with moss and chipmunks.  I go to secret blueberry caches, to a garden full of hidden treasures.  I go to distant lands and see the cultures, learn the languages and that is all the good, all there should be.    
That is where I am, who I am. In light of that, let’s evaluate goals:

Family & home: establish a primary relationship
enjoy others when you can
support boys emotionally

Financial & Career: prepare for retirement
maintain adequate standard of living
produce for next 5 years

Spiritual & Ethical: continue to serve
love others
do no intentional harm

Physical & Health: keep working out (stretch, strength and cardio)
manage bad habits (eating and drinking)

Social & Cultural: go out 2x/wk
travel as much as you can

Mental & Educational: read 5 books a year

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